Minecraft PE
3 May, 2022
Game Minecraft PE
The Mojang team continues to surprise us with interesting new game versions every week. Last week they focused on fixing several issues affecting part two of the Caves and Cliffs update and released Minecraft PE 1.18.31. Now they have another new update for us to explore, and this time it is related to the Wild Update. Minecraft PE brings not only the traditional bug fixes, but also two new features.
The most important changes you can enjoy by installing the present beta are:
The game developers also improved some characteristics of the following features:
You will also notice that the game crashes less often. If you are interested, you may also discover several helpful technical updates (for example, if you are a content creator)
We hope that this beta’s description convinced you that its features are definitely worth checking. Please share the news about its release with other users that you know so they can try it too.
Now you will be busy exploring this update for a while, but the Mojang team is already working on other interesting features, so, to avoid missing any news, visit our website regularly. This will also give you the opportunity to download the newest mods, maps, and other surprises. Have a good time!
Changes in Minecraft Bedrock
The most important changes you can enjoy by installing the present beta are:
- The Spectator Mode. It can be enabled by turning on the experimental features toggle. This is a very interesting possibility to try, but there still is a lot of work to do to make it fully functional. In this version, the MCPE developers managed to fix two bugs affecting the way mobs move away from players and the way this mode triggers tripware traps.
- Music Disc 5. This is a new music disc. If you want to listen to it, you should look in ancient city chests for Disc fragments 5 and make it. We hope you will enjoy the new vibes.
The game developers also improved some characteristics of the following features:
- Wardens (better ranged attack, their drops, their way to react to projectiles)
- Frogs (their behavior when pathfinding on certain mobs and when eating, froglights, frogspawns)
- Allays (the items they give and how they are being stacked, their throwing sounds)
- Sculk (blast resistance of catalysts and shriekers, the sounds made by shriekers and sensors, the cracking animation when mining sensors, the way sensors detect players in certain situations)
- Mangrove Biome (the way trees grow, how leaves drop, and the possibilities to use mangrove wood in crafting)
- Amethyst Clusters (the way they are placed on blocks)
- Shulkers (their immunity to fire, their position in different vehicles, and the way they spawn in certain scenarios)
- Trader llamas (the food used to make them breed, the way they behave when unleashed)
You will also notice that the game crashes less often. If you are interested, you may also discover several helpful technical updates (for example, if you are a content creator)
We hope that this beta’s description convinced you that its features are definitely worth checking. Please share the news about its release with other users that you know so they can try it too.
Now you will be busy exploring this update for a while, but the Mojang team is already working on other interesting features, so, to avoid missing any news, visit our website regularly. This will also give you the opportunity to download the newest mods, maps, and other surprises. Have a good time!
Video of Minecraft PE
Minecraft PE
3 May, 2022