Minecraft PE
9 July, 2022
Game Minecraft PE
It seems like the developers of Minecraft Bedrock never rest. Recently they released two awesome new game versions. Earlier today we already told you about one of them called Minecraft PE 1.19.2 and now we will describe the second one that is called Minecraft PE
You have probably noticed several issues while playing. Happily, they have been fixed (at least most of them). These issues used to affect:
You may also detect several vanilla parity changes done in relation to the polar bears, wandering traders, and piglins.
For more details about the current bets, watch the video trailer and after you learn everything you need to know about it, be generous and share this article with other players so they can enjoy the release too.
If you want to make your Bedrock experience even better and more interesting, we recommend you check our collections of cool mods, maps, and textures. These can also be shared and you can even leave feedback if you have any suggestions or complaints. Have a good time!
Bug fixes in Minecraft Bedrock
You have probably noticed several issues while playing. Happily, they have been fixed (at least most of them). These issues used to affect:
- The gameplay (crashes, lags happening when using the nether portal, data on entities remaining intact even after deleting them)
- The User Interface (Badly designed toggle switches this making them difficult to distinguish, incorrect tooltip of saddled pig)
- The VR (incorrect hints)
- The Wild Update music (not playing in all the biomes it should play in)
- Other Wild Update features (Mangrove planks and other features having the “wood” word in the middle while they should not, tadpoles flopping on land with an incorrect speed, sculk catalysts not reacting if the nearby dying mob does not have any XP, sculk sensors not reacting properly if nearby blocks emit vibrations simultaneously, propagules dropping items when they should not in case they are destroyed by silk touched enchanted tools and changing their color when certain blocks are placed near or on top of them, impossibility to place muddy mangrove roots in different positions, mangrove trees not growing correctly because of their leaves)
- The Spectator Mode (failure to place blocks if the places are hovered over by a spectator, invisible hands when holding certain items)
- The Mobile Controls (iOS devices having no support for the middle mouse click)
- Villager Trades (fishermen not trading boats when at max level)
- The Technical Aspect of the game (problems related to bucketed mobs, desync between client’s state and server, etc.)
You may also detect several vanilla parity changes done in relation to the polar bears, wandering traders, and piglins.
For more details about the current bets, watch the video trailer and after you learn everything you need to know about it, be generous and share this article with other players so they can enjoy the release too.
If you want to make your Bedrock experience even better and more interesting, we recommend you check our collections of cool mods, maps, and textures. These can also be shared and you can even leave feedback if you have any suggestions or complaints. Have a good time!
Video of MCPE
Minecraft PE
9 July, 2022