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Minecraft 1.14.60

17 April, 2020
Game Minecraft PE
We had a lot of beta versions to explore lately and you probably miss playing with your friends who use full MCPE versions or the Realms. Well, you can announce to them that you’re available for playing again because a full game version was finally released, and this is Minecraft 1.14.60!
This version is a hotfix for the Honey Update and if you are interested in it, let’s see what is there to discover by installing it.

New fixes in Minecraft Bedrock

Several game crashes were detected again both by the MCPEdevelopers and by the most active players. Most of them affected the Switch users, but fortunately, they were successfully removed.
Other crashes could occur while leaving a world and when exiting the game while being a split-screen player, and these ones could affect any MCPE user, but they were removed too.
In addition to the crashes, there were a number of less serious problems that had to be fixed too. These are:
  • Sometimes, the player’s game used to crash, he/she getting a message that there is not enough storage space on the device he/she is using for playing Minecraft PE.
  • Player not being able to use slash commands using animation controllers in Realms. This issue was resolved by the MCPE developers.
  • Some characters used to be displayed incorrectly or not appearing at all when writing on Book & Quill or on Signs, but not anymore.
  • When forgetting to log in to their Microsoft account, some players could not transfer the content and could not access the Marketplace. These problems were fixed.

This is all you are going to discover by downloading, but to find out more details about this update, we suggest you watch the video trailer below.
Please be generous and share this article with your friends and leave feedback.
Very soon we will present you another game update with many new features and changes regarding the Nether, but until then, visit our website and explore the multitude of free downloads including some interesting maps, cool mods, and stunning textures. Have fun!

Video of Minecraft Bedrock 1.14.60

Minecraft 1.14.60

Minecraft 1.14.60 [92.04 Mb] (downloads: 356777)

17 April, 2020

Comments 34

Lucifer19 April 2020, 03:26
I am Lucifer
hilfi amalia
hilfi amalia20 April 2020, 04:38

Summer21 April 2020, 23:14
confounded close

Talita22 April 2020, 03:31
; -;[ocultar] [/ ocultar]
Zefa sweet
Zefa sweet23 April 2020, 17:16
Jesus is my sepherd i will not lack

Nobody24 April 2020, 15:26
Floor gang baby!!
Arman24 April 2020, 17:33
confounded I it's real
whet the feck
whet the feck3 May 2020, 08:11
It loops and redirects me to this page (the download page is what i mean)
Hmm4 May 2020, 07:01
Shit liar i cant download it f you
Ali abyan
Ali abyan4 May 2020, 17:55
  1. Gk bisa download

Mcpesurvival.com5 May 2020, 00:28

Sediyen1005 May 2020, 07:59


Raj bardhan singh
Raj bardhan singh5 May 2020, 17:59
is ti working
AWAY6 May 2020, 14:21
Minecraft cool

Minecraft cooool very good
Jaggi Brar
Jaggi Brar6 May 2020, 17:15
I have no money I want play this game.

Memeng11 May 2020, 14:52
: open_mouth::lelah: 
Tanmay Biswas
Tanmay Biswas18 May 2020, 19:18
Good bro...thanks
Abi,manyu hidayat felandi
Abi,manyu hidayat felandi21 May 2020, 12:02
Download minicraft versi pe free

Lightning1225 May 2020, 14:24
Thank you for creating this app in chrome it is great to have minecraft!
Nguyễn Văn Nam
Nguyễn Văn Nam25 May 2020, 17:40
Nguyễn Văn Nam
Usah30 May 2020, 20:07
Y doesn't it want to install
Manishkashyap31 May 2020, 06:38

Mcpe2 June 2020, 17:25
^ _ ^^ _ ^^ _ ^^ _ ^^ _ ^^ _ ^^ _ ^^ _ ^

toastersandstuff4 June 2020, 22:56
I just want to download Minecraft lmao
azizi8 June 2020, 05:08
free to download

Monalisa9 June 2020, 00:19
Monalisa Alves dos Santos 

Sreemoye10 June 2020, 14:44

Hii guys!!
I'm sreemoye

Hii guys!!
I'm Sreemoye
Test11 June 2020, 06:51
Testing this is am aiadsz
Sreemoye11 June 2020, 09:31

Faiz14 June 2020, 06:50
Saya suka Minecraft
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