Minecraft PE
1 April, 2021
Game Minecraft PE
Dear MCPE fans, today we have another fantastic new beta to explore. This is Minecraft PE and, like Minecraft PE it brings a lot of surprises, including a very cute and interesting new mob!
Like you already know, the builds created in beta versions may be not as stable as the ones created in full versions, so keep this in mind. Also note that the beta will take the place of your existing world as soon as it is installed, so we highly recommend you to make a copy and save it. Who knows, perhaps you will want to return to it later. Another distinctive feature of all betas is that you cannot access Realms and non-beta players.
So, let’s welcome the new mob. Axolotl is a very cute creature who lives in the water, but it can also spawn underground. It becomes very weak when on land. If this happens, it dries out and can die in two minutes if someone does not rehydrate it. Players can interact with axolotls in many different ways. They can pick them up like fish (using buckets), and tempt and breed them (using buckets with tropical fish). When breeding them, there is a small chance that the result will be a little blue axolotl which is considered a very rare representative of this species. In other circumstances, you can meet axolotls of different colors: pink, yellow, green, etc. These tiny mobs have a very interesting feature: when injured, they act as if they are already dead, this giving them the possibility to regenerate their health. During this process, other mobs cannot attack them.
![Minecraft PE]()
Starting with this version, you will also detect a whole bunch of new Deepslate blocks, including cobbled, polished, brick and tile blocks, walls, stairs, and slabs. There are also the deepslate ore variants, including deepslate diamonds, gold, lapis, etc. In addition to all these blocks and ores, you may also discover chiseled deepslates and cracked deepslate bricks and tiles.
Even if the developers spent a lot of time and energy working on the new features, they also managed to fix a lot of bugs and improve some existent features, so, from now on, the players can notice that:
Dear friends, even if the game becomes much better thanks to all these fixes and changes, the MCPE developers warn us that there are a few existing issues left, for example the risk of game crashing in case glow lichen is placed on all the sides of certain blocks or a texture-related issue preventing leashes from being attached normally to the new mobs that we talked about today, but they assure us that they will make everything possible to fix these problems soon.
Follow our website and you will always be up to date with the latest game versions and all their features, as well as with the freshest and most popular maps, textures, and more. Have a good time!
Like you already know, the builds created in beta versions may be not as stable as the ones created in full versions, so keep this in mind. Also note that the beta will take the place of your existing world as soon as it is installed, so we highly recommend you to make a copy and save it. Who knows, perhaps you will want to return to it later. Another distinctive feature of all betas is that you cannot access Realms and non-beta players.
Features of Minecraft Bedrock
So, let’s welcome the new mob. Axolotl is a very cute creature who lives in the water, but it can also spawn underground. It becomes very weak when on land. If this happens, it dries out and can die in two minutes if someone does not rehydrate it. Players can interact with axolotls in many different ways. They can pick them up like fish (using buckets), and tempt and breed them (using buckets with tropical fish). When breeding them, there is a small chance that the result will be a little blue axolotl which is considered a very rare representative of this species. In other circumstances, you can meet axolotls of different colors: pink, yellow, green, etc. These tiny mobs have a very interesting feature: when injured, they act as if they are already dead, this giving them the possibility to regenerate their health. During this process, other mobs cannot attack them.

Starting with this version, you will also detect a whole bunch of new Deepslate blocks, including cobbled, polished, brick and tile blocks, walls, stairs, and slabs. There are also the deepslate ore variants, including deepslate diamonds, gold, lapis, etc. In addition to all these blocks and ores, you may also discover chiseled deepslates and cracked deepslate bricks and tiles.
Even if the developers spent a lot of time and energy working on the new features, they also managed to fix a lot of bugs and improve some existent features, so, from now on, the players can notice that:
- The visibility under the water is much better than before
- They can wax copper blocks even if they are oxidized
- They can pick up fish using empty buckets
- Rabbits do not ignore carrots anymore
- Non-bred farm animals do not accept food infinitely
- The trident’s animation and textures were fixed
- There are jungle vines growing in the caves
- The screen reader works smoother and there are fewer problems affecting its work
- Mobs can pathfind across moss
- They can shear spore blossoms and they will drop correctly
- They can place weeping and twisting vines, ladders, sweet berry bushes and other blocks on top of moss blocks
- They can block water with moss blocks
- They can place small dripleafs on moss, podzol, dirt, and grass, but only in that case if their stems are underwater
- They can waterlog big dripleafs
- Big dripleafs stop illuminating if they are hit with a projectile
- Observers get activated by lightning rods when these are struck by lightnings
- The glow lichen is now present in the Nature category in Creative
- They can walk and jump on pointed and normal dripstones and they will emit the right sounds
- They can push dripstones with pistons and they will break correctly
- The interfaces of the GameTestFramework were updated (regarding the technical aspect of the game)
Dear friends, even if the game becomes much better thanks to all these fixes and changes, the MCPE developers warn us that there are a few existing issues left, for example the risk of game crashing in case glow lichen is placed on all the sides of certain blocks or a texture-related issue preventing leashes from being attached normally to the new mobs that we talked about today, but they assure us that they will make everything possible to fix these problems soon.
Follow our website and you will always be up to date with the latest game versions and all their features, as well as with the freshest and most popular maps, textures, and more. Have a good time!
Video of MCPE
Minecraft PE
1 April, 2021
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