Addon Advanced Machinery 1.16.100
27 December, 2020
Minecraft PE Mods
Addon Advanced Machinery brings fifteen unique machines that will be very helpful for you in Survival. They use a special kind of energy called Redstone Flux which is transported from one machinery to another one without any cables.
Before enlisting the available types of machinery, let us tell you some general information about all of them. All the machines require a power core. This core controls them within a radius of thirty blocks. The Sieve machine is an exception and does not require the power core. Like a conveyor belt, you can use Magenta Glazed Terracota which can be obtained by smelting one clay block, dyed terracotta magenta, and placing it in the furnace.
You will also detect that some of the machines have inputs (coal, lava buckets, gravel, ores, and more). To interact with them, you should right-click with the required object on the selected machinery.
![Addon Advanced Machinery 1.16.100]()
Because we know that the description of these machines may be too complicated and confusing, we recommend you to watch the video trailer below in order to understand better how they work.
If you are ready to install this addon, make sure you are using Minecraft PE 1.16.100 or any of the other later game versions, and click on the download button located below the video trailer.
To always be up to date with the newest and popular mods and other MCPE-related surprises, follow our website and have a good time!
Features of addon Advanced Machinery
Before enlisting the available types of machinery, let us tell you some general information about all of them. All the machines require a power core. This core controls them within a radius of thirty blocks. The Sieve machine is an exception and does not require the power core. Like a conveyor belt, you can use Magenta Glazed Terracota which can be obtained by smelting one clay block, dyed terracotta magenta, and placing it in the furnace.
You will also detect that some of the machines have inputs (coal, lava buckets, gravel, ores, and more). To interact with them, you should right-click with the required object on the selected machinery.
Available machines:
- The Combustion Generator which uses coal to generate Redstone Flux energy. The required input is coal.
- The Solar Generator which does not require any inputs and generates the special energy in a passive way
- The Lava Generator which uses lava to generate Redstone Flux energy. The required input is lava buckets.
- The Void Miner which does not require any inputs and generates ores using the special energy
- The Mechanic Furnace which uses ores to smelt and double them using Redstone Flux energy. The required input is ores.
- The Power Core controls all the available machines within a radius of thirty blocks
- The Sieve separates gravel from other materials. The required input is gravel.
- The Barrel Machine is able to make water from leaves. The required input is leaves.
- The Matter Converter is able to make soul sand, netherrack, and crying obsidian from sand, cobblestone, and obsidian. The required input is sand, cobblestone, and obsidian.
- The Automatic Farmer is able to farm automatically on a radius of 7x7
- The Cobblestone Generator does not require any inputs and generates one cobblestone every twenty-five seconds
- The Vacuum Hopper is able to collect items in a radius of seven blocks around it
- The Water Wheel Machine does not require any inputs. Its aim is to generate the special energy in a passive way.
- The Crusher Machine makes sand by crashing cobblestone and gravel. The required input is cobblestone and gravel
- The Chunk Loader is able to load chunks in a radius of four chunks, but you cannot have more than five per world.

Because we know that the description of these machines may be too complicated and confusing, we recommend you to watch the video trailer below in order to understand better how they work.
If you are ready to install this addon, make sure you are using Minecraft PE 1.16.100 or any of the other later game versions, and click on the download button located below the video trailer.
To always be up to date with the newest and popular mods and other MCPE-related surprises, follow our website and have a good time!
Video Trailer of Addon Advanced Machinery
Addon Advanced Machinery
27 December, 2020