Addon Advanced Machinery 1.16.100
21 January, 2021
Minecraft PE Mods
We hope you managed to install a new game version because you can use Addon Advanced Machinery only if you are using Minecraft 1.16.100 or any of the other later game versions. We assure you this is worth it, because this addon adds many useful pieces of machinery that can help you generate ores and other valuable things and transform them into even more valuable ones.
This supplement uses a special type of energy that can be transformed in order to obtain benefits. The Power Core can hold up to 100,000 units of energy. It collects and sends it automatically, without using any wires. This energy is called Redstone Flux.
Four of the available pieces of machinery generate redstone flux. This are:
The Solar Generator. You don’t need to insert anything. It generates it passively, but less than the rest of them.
The Water Wheel. You don’t need to insert anything. It generates it passively, but less than the rest of them.
The Combustion Generator. To generate redstone flux, this piece of machinery needs coal input
The Lava Generator. To generate redstone flux, this piece of machinery needs lava input
One of the machines called the Power Core will transfer this energy to the rest of the machines, but they should not be placed further than thirty blocks.
Some of the machines use the obtained redstone flux to obtain ores (Void Miner), and to smelt and double them (Mechanic Furnace).
The Sieve is also a very helpful piece of machinery because it is able to separate the good materials from gravel.
Besides the above-mentioned pieces of machinery, there are eight other ones that can transform leaves into water (Barrell Machinery), transform obsidian, sand, and cobblestone into crying obsidian, soul sand, and netherrack (Matter Converter), auto farm (Auto Farmer Machinery), produce cobblestone without any inputs (Cobblestone Generator), collect items (Vacuum Hopper), crush cobblestone into gravel/sand (Crusher), and load chunks (Chunk Loader).
![Addon Advanced Machinery 1.16.100]()
To obtain more information about this addon, watch the video trailer and if you want to try it, click on the download button below it.
We hope you liked our article and the presented addon. If you did, share it with all your MCPE friends and leave feedback.
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How to use addon Advanced Machinery
This supplement uses a special type of energy that can be transformed in order to obtain benefits. The Power Core can hold up to 100,000 units of energy. It collects and sends it automatically, without using any wires. This energy is called Redstone Flux.
Four of the available pieces of machinery generate redstone flux. This are:
The Solar Generator. You don’t need to insert anything. It generates it passively, but less than the rest of them.
The Water Wheel. You don’t need to insert anything. It generates it passively, but less than the rest of them.
The Combustion Generator. To generate redstone flux, this piece of machinery needs coal input
The Lava Generator. To generate redstone flux, this piece of machinery needs lava input
One of the machines called the Power Core will transfer this energy to the rest of the machines, but they should not be placed further than thirty blocks.
Some of the machines use the obtained redstone flux to obtain ores (Void Miner), and to smelt and double them (Mechanic Furnace).
The Sieve is also a very helpful piece of machinery because it is able to separate the good materials from gravel.
Besides the above-mentioned pieces of machinery, there are eight other ones that can transform leaves into water (Barrell Machinery), transform obsidian, sand, and cobblestone into crying obsidian, soul sand, and netherrack (Matter Converter), auto farm (Auto Farmer Machinery), produce cobblestone without any inputs (Cobblestone Generator), collect items (Vacuum Hopper), crush cobblestone into gravel/sand (Crusher), and load chunks (Chunk Loader).

To obtain more information about this addon, watch the video trailer and if you want to try it, click on the download button below it.
We hope you liked our article and the presented addon. If you did, share it with all your MCPE friends and leave feedback.
To explore other interesting mods, visit our website and have a good time!
Video of Addon Advanced Machinery
Addon Advanced Machinery
21 January, 2021