Minecraft PE
11 September, 2020
Game Minecraft PE
Have you already managed to explore the updates released last week, which are Minecraft PE 1.16.40 and Minecraft PE We hope you did because the Mojang team prepared another good game beta called Minecraft PE
We must tell you that this is not a full version, this meaning that your access to non-beta players and Realms are forbidden while trying it. Also, mind that joining this beta will replace your MCPE work in progress, so you’d better back up your worlds if you want to access them later.
This time the MCPE developers worked on removing the following issues:
These are the most important changes you will discover by exploring this beta. If you want to find out more details, we recommend you to watch the video trailer before hitting the download button.
We would appreciate it if you could share the news about the update with other MCPE players and leave feedback.
To be up to date with all the latest game versions, follow our website, and enjoy your time!
We must tell you that this is not a full version, this meaning that your access to non-beta players and Realms are forbidden while trying it. Also, mind that joining this beta will replace your MCPE work in progress, so you’d better back up your worlds if you want to access them later.
Changes in Minecraft Bedrock
This time the MCPE developers worked on removing the following issues:
- Two crashes happening if the Minecraft PE user opens a Shulker box that he/she stands on after entering into multiplayer and if he/she uses command /fill with a Portal that has too many blocks
- Baby zoglins not having heads as big as other mob babies
- A problem not letting players use shroomlight blocks in the Composter
- A problem not letting players place warped/crimson fungi on a mycelium
- A bug making observers stuck in their active state in case they are moved by pistons
- A bug not letting players craft “thing banner pattern” in certain situations
- A bug not letting players compost certain items
- Foxes taking damage from berries when escaping from the player
- Background and text for the title command not being aligned properly
- Portal blocks that are placed with the /setblock command acting as a portal structure part
- Portal blocks that are placed with the /fill command acting as a portal structure part
- The dressing room not showing Character Creator items in case the player is not online
- Soul Speed boots not breaking in case their durability level reaches 0 and becoming stuck in the armor slot
- Piglin Brutes not keeping their equipment in case they are zombified
- The hammer item not appearing in the Smithing Table GUI on Pocket UI
- The safe zone size being too big
- The issue preventing players from moving their focus from the Back button in case they are using a keyboard
- The issue making the achievement screen apply the safe zone incorrectly along with the split when the user plays in split-screen mode
These are the most important changes you will discover by exploring this beta. If you want to find out more details, we recommend you to watch the video trailer before hitting the download button.
We would appreciate it if you could share the news about the update with other MCPE players and leave feedback.
To be up to date with all the latest game versions, follow our website, and enjoy your time!
Video of Minecraft Bedrock
Minecraft PE
11 September, 2020
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